Homemade Snacks Kids Can Make

When making some snacks for your kids, isn’t it more fun if they can help you prepare? Getting your child involved in mealtime by letting him or her help in preparing food in the kitchen is a great way to initiate a lifelong interest in cooking and nutrition. It is also a great way to convince them to eat healthier foods because it’s likely that they will like the foods they prepared themselves. It is even great if you are seeing your kids starting to show interest in cooking. 

If you want to get your child involved in making snacks at home, there are many easy recipes out there that you both can try making. Today, we are going to give you a list of the different homemade snacks kids can make with your assistance, of course. 

1. Whole-Wheat Pepperoni Pizza

This snack is easy to make if you have a food processor at home because you can use it to prepare the dough. If you do not have one, you can simply buy a prebaked whole-wheat thin-crust pizza shell from the store. Your child can help in making this snack by letting him or her pour the measured ingredients into the food processor with your guidance. When the dough is ready, you can have your child place the pepperoni slices on the pizza and as well as sprinkle the cheese on it. 

2. Peanut Butter-Banana Spirals

This snack is made of peanut butter, banana, and yogurt. If you want it to be crunchy and more nutritious, you can also add some wheat germ to it. You can ask your kid to arrange the banana slices on top of the peanut butter mixture and then sprinkle the wheat germ over those slices. This is a great snack to pack for a snack.

3. Flying Saucers

This snack is basically a pita sandwich that is filled with your kid’s favorite ingredients such as ham and cheese. To make it more fun, you can set the ingredients up as a buffet and let your child choose and make his or her own handy pita pocket sandwich. You can find the recipe for this snack here

4. Three-Ingredient Mini Muffins

Your kids can definitely make this snack because it only involves three ingredients which are flour, sugar, and cream. You can let them mix all the ingredients and then help them in pouring the mixture in the baking pan. Assist them in using the oven as well when it’s time to bake the muffins. You will be able to see the full recipe of this snack here

5. Muesli Bars

The name of this snack may sound difficult to make but it only includes two ingredients which are 3 cups of muesli and 1 can of condensed milk. Your kids will be able to make this snack with a little supervision like helping them in preheating the oven and mixing all the ingredients. This muesli bar recipe even tastes better compared to store-bought ones. 

6. Veggies and Dip

If your child is still young, like 2 to 3 years old, you can involve them in making easier snacks such as veggies and dip. It’s because this snack does not involve any cooking. You can simply keep prepared veggies such as washed baby carrots and tomatoes, or sliced cucumber, broccoli, bell peppers, and cauliflower on the lower shelf of your refrigerator. Then you can place small containers of ranch dip which your child can get at snack time. 

7.  Fig and Nut Cookies

This snack is a healthy treat for kids, especially when paired with a glass of milk. You can make it by using unprocessed bran or crushed bran-flake cereal. You can ask your kids to help you prepare by pouring the measured figs and cranberries into a bowl. Then you can also let them stir the ingredients and then pour the measured almonds into the batter. 

8. Crunchy Granola Pretzel Sticks

This is a healthy and portable snack for kids that is sweet, crunchy, and really fun to make. You can have all the ingredients ready so your kids will be able to make them with ease. You can use granola, cereals, or nuts. You can even add some bacon bits for a savory treat. If you want to make some pretzel sticks with your kids, you can check the recipe here

9. No-Bake Peanut Butter Balls

This is a perfect treat for kids on road trips because they won’t stick to your kids’ hands. You can also keep them in the refrigerator for portable snacks. You can enjoy making this snack with your kids as well. All you need are some chunky peanut butter, honey, vanilla extract, nonfat dry milk powder, oats, and graham cracker crumbs. You can ask your child to help you in finding and mixing the ingredients and as well as in turning them into peanut butter balls. 

10. Fruit and Cheese Kabobs

Your little ones can enjoy making this snack and it can also serve as an activity to keep them occupied. Aside from that, making this snack can help them practice their fine motor skills as well. To help them out, you can prepare bowls of cut pineapples, apple, grapes, and cheese cubes. But if your child is below 3 years old, you can exclude the grapes because these can pose a choking hazard. Once all the fruits and cheese are ready, assist them in putting the ingredients on the sticks. 

These are some of the easy snacks that your kids can make at home. All of these snacks are healthy and are fun to make as well. Preparing snacks is also a great way for parents and children to bond with each other. For other healthy homemade snacks, you can also check our Ideas for Making Your Own Fruit Snacks.