How Modern Restaurants Are Changing Behind the Scenes

If you prepare a dish today the same way it was done centuries ago, it will be just as delicious: food doesn’t change! But technology does, and many of today’s restaurants across North America look nothing like the ones from even a few years — the pace of new technology is that quick.

Millennials, who are historically early adopters of technology such as mobileslotsites, are increasingly using employee scheduling software in their restaurants, but savvy restaurateurs of all ages are wise to use the software that’s transforming how restaurants are run behind the scenes.

New tech is a game-changer, so read this before leaving the restaurant industry and check out what’s below to learn more about how it works.

Perfect Schedules, Faster

Slow motion. Cropped image of chef’s hands with tattoos adding spices in salad while standing in a restaurant kitchen. Food concept. Food conept.

It’s essential that the cooks and sous-chefs at your restaurant can focus all their attention on what matters, rather than on secondary tasks like sorting out a work schedule.

Employee scheduling software creates schedules in up to 80% less time than it would otherwise take. Not only does it do so faster, but the schedules it creates are also better.

Restaurant staff can simply relay their work availability to their manager remotely through the app. They don’t need to be in the physical restaurant to enter the info on a calendar, or tell them in person. Similarly, they can request days off through the app too, which the manager can approve or reject on their phone.

The amount of texting and phone calling that would otherwise be needed to produce a schedule is reduced by 70%. This makes what could be an aggravating and time-consuming task simple and so quick that it leads to a direct savings in labor costs of between 1-3%.

Direct Feedback and Major Data

customer self service order drink menu with tablet screen at cafe counter bar,seller coffee shop accept payment by lifestyle concept.Blank space for display of design

Everyone in business knows that knowledge is power, and employee scheduling software empowers restaurant managers by putting at their fingertips every kind of information they could want about each aspect of their restaurant.

The manager-facing dashboard presents enterprise-level data about the economics of the business, from labor costs, total sales, and any other stat that is of particular concern to your restaurant.

But there’s also a special section where employees can rate and use their own words to describe how they think the shift went. How’s morale in the kitchen? Are the new employees getting along with the veterans? You’ll always be in the know.

Feedback can be anonymous, so employees can feel more comfortable being candid. This combination of anecdotes from the frontlines and powerful macro and micro data gives a full and true picture of every dimension of the restaurant’s operations.

Restaurant-goers may still frequent restaurants for a great bite in a nice atmosphere with friends, family or a loved one, but peak behind the scenes into the kitchen or staff room and things are running differently. Let the latest technology sort out mundane problems like schedule creation, so your top cooks can worry about the cooking. For more food trivias and tips just like knowing the best appetizer ideas for brunch, we have a lot of these posts ready for you.

Bluetooth Temperature Sensors 

Restaurants always had to go through the hassle of ensuring food safety and following the entire procedure and running HACCP ( food safety) checklists. This HACCP plan employs seven different principles in order to reach the stated goal.  

This can be a lengthy and time-consuming process that too is prone to errors. However thanks to technology, restaurants have now adapted Bluetooth temperature monitoring systems to make sure that food and equipment meet the site standard. This system enables handheld probes and fixed sensors, where restaurants can measure the temperature of the key assets in only about four seconds. 

Restaurant managers can also customize limits on temperature for each food item and can be signaled if any temperature is above or below their set threshold. Moreover, the sensors can record temperature readings in a HACCP log so that it saves the time of the employees. This solidifies the accuracy of the report as it is not influenced or falsified by the employees.

Overall, these temperature systems ultimately save time, help avoid product loss and above all help ensure customer safety. 

Digital Inventory Tracking 

Male and female chefs reading recipes on digital tablet in kitchen

In the good old world, inventory tracking followed the pen-and-paper method and was a headache for many, in fact, there were always some errors and recountings involved. It is now the thing of the past, as digital inventory tracking has paved its way in the restaurant business.

The employees are directly able to submit and view inventory counts through a mobile device, which ensures both efficiency and accuracy. In fact, managers can set up customized counting schedules for every product in the inventory. This software also keeps track of actual product counts as well as theoretical inventory levels. 

A comparison between the two alerts authorities about any discrepancies from over-portioning or waste or even theft. This not only saves time but also enables a fraud-free system. 

So allow the software and machines to deal with inventory fraud, while the honest, hardworking employees can help serve you better. 

Digital Table Manager

There’s one thing we all hate when we’re starving and that’s, waiting. This gets worse when you’re all dressed up and excited, you have to wait in a long queue to get your perfect table. What if we told you didn’t have to wait any longer? 

Now both customers and hosts can relax with this digital table manager app. This software helps to book reservations directly with customers as well as suffer the best seating arrangements according to time and number of customers. Not enough? Well, restaurants can also notify customers via texts when their table is ready and the wait staff is able to update the customers of their status of food at any time.

This was the dream we all shared and it’s now turning into a reality. Don’t wait any longer as the digital manager takes care of your needs!

The bottom line

Over the years, every industry has witnessed an influx of technology, and the restaurant business was not the one to be left behind. It is not just good food or proper hygiene that keeps the business running, but also the creative use of technology to ensure innovation. It’s true, there is a hefty price to pay, but its for the restaurant to decide if it’s really worth it. 

What do you think? Are these investments worth it or are you happy with the old ways?