Savory Snacks to Take to Work

During a busy week at work, most of us find it difficult to get through each day without getting a little hungry. Well, that’s actually okay because snacking is good as long as you choose to eat healthily. Eating healthy snacks at work is one of the keys to staying fueled and focused, especially when you are loaded with lots of tasks. It does not matter whether you are in the middle of a big project or you’re tied to your desk with an upcoming deadline, you need to have snacks to keep your energy up and as well as to keep your blood sugar stable. 

If you’re one of the people who find it difficult to eat healthy snacks at work because your breakroom only offers sugary and trans fat loaded snacks, then you’re in the right place. Today, we are going to give you a list of the savory snacks that you can take to work. These snacks are all healthy and delicious.

1. Popcorn

some popcorn in a white bowl

Popcorn is also a healthy snack that you can take to work. It is a whole grain snack that is high in fiber and low in calories. Well, as long as you do not cover it with melted butter. You can keep a few bags of microwave popcorn at work for a quick and healthy snack. If you find plain popcorn boring, you can also sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top. 

2. Tuna and Crackers

If you want an extra-healthy snack at work, you can grab some whole wheat crackers, a slice of celery stalk, and a resealable packet of tuna. Combining these will give you a quick and easy treat which can provide you with high amounts of fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. If you find plain tuna too dry, you can also make your own tuna salad at home and take it to work. 

3. Cup of Soup

If you find it cold in your office or during cold days, a cup of soup can be a soothing treat on your break time. If you have some leftover soup at home from dinner, it can be a great snack to take to work the next day. If there are no leftover soup available, then you can simply buy single-serving microwavable soups in stores. Just make sure to check the labels for nutrition information.

4. Fresh Fruit and Nuts

If you want a simple and easy to bring snack at work, then you can opt for fresh fruit and nuts. A pear and a dozen almonds is a healthy option because it has less than 200 calories but filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. You can also try bananas and pecans or apples and walnuts. To make them tastier, you can pair them with complimentary cheese like blue cheese and cheddar. 

5. Crispbread and Cottage Cheese

Crispbread is a cracker type of bread which is made with rye flour. You can also find ones that are whole wheat and multigrain. It is a nice type of bread because it is crunchy on its own. It is a great snack to eat at work, especially when you top it with spreads and cheese. One of the best choices is cottage cheese because it’s high in calcium and protein but low in fat and calories. Aside from cheese, you can also top your crispbread with nut butter or ham. 

6. Roasted Seaweed

This savory snack is a great alternative if you always like to eat chips at work. Roasted seaweed is filled with minerals and vitamins A, C, E, K, and B. It can act as a vegetable in your diet because it is low in calorie, fibrous, and nutrient-dense. It is easy to find roasted or dried seaweed in stores. 

7. Pita Chips

If you’re into pita bread, then you will surely like to snack on pita chips at your desk while working. You can find flavored and unflavored pita chips in stores. If you like trying out different dips, they are the perfect vessel for those. You can also dip pita chips in guacamole or hummus to eat them with ease. 

8. Wasabi Peas

If you like spicy foods, then maybe you’d like to keep some wasabi peas at your desk. This is a crispy, crunchy, and fiery snack option and a great way to add a bit of texture and spice to other foods as well like soups. It is also a healthy snack because peas contain lots of fiber. 

9. Canned Sardines

canned sardines on a table

If you like eating fish, then bringing some canned sardines to work as your snack is great. They are a high-protein snack that you can keep on your desk. You can eat them on top of crackers or mix them with salad if you have some in your office. 

10. Low Carb Nuts

a mix of low carb nuts

Nuts are delicious and easy to bring snacks to work and they are easy to eat as well. They contain healthy fat and protein that can keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. Nuts are also high in fiber and rich in magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Some of the low carb nuts you can take to work are macadamias, pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts.

11. Low-Sodium Jerky

Jerky is no longer just for camping because you can also bring this portable snack to your work. But when buying jerky, you should pick one that is not loaded with too much sodium. You can stack some of these tasty snacks in your desk drawers at work and eat them when you get a bit hungry. 

12. Apples and Peanut Butter

The apples and peanut butter pairing are just like fruits and nuts but it is more filling and satisfying. Apples are known to be high in fiber and they are available in different varieties. It’s great to pair them with peanut or almond butter that contains no added sugar for a healthy and delicious snack at work. 

13. Tuna Pouches

It’s also great to bring some personal-sized tuna packets to work because tuna is a great stand-in snack. They contain protein and healthy omega 3s. When buying tuna, you should choose one that has 300 mg of sodium or less and pick water-packed ones or those that do not need to be drained. 

14. Corn and Tortilla Chips

Traditional potato chips are viewed as junk food but tortilla and corn chips are some healthy options. When you buy some in stores, find those that have less salt and does not contain any weird additives. You can also pair these chips with healthy sides such as hummus, guacamole, and salsa. 

15. Rice Cakes

For many people, rice cakes are one of the boring, old-school snacks out there. But today, you can find rice cakes in different flavors and they are more delicious. Or if you love to spend time in the kitchen cooking, then you can probably make your own savory rice cakes to take to work using garlic and chives.

16. Potato Snacks

Potato chips are one of the best savory snacks that you can take to work. But if you’re looking for a healthier option, then you can opt for sweet potato chips. Sweet potato is known to be a superfood because of its high nutritional value. You can also roast some sweet potatoes at home to get healthier carbs. 

17. Cheese Snacks

Having some dairy snacks at work is great too and you can opt for cheese snacks. It’s because they are high in protein and surprisingly filling. Choosing the right cheese can qualify as healthy savory snacks. If you will buy one, choose low-fat, pre-portioned cheeses like sharp cheddar or cottage cheese

These are some of the best savory snacks that you can take to work. Even if you are busy at work, you should not forget to take breaks and eat snacks because this can help you get fueled and be more energetic at work. We hope the ideas we shared will be able to help you in coming up with snacks that you can bring to work. If you are looking for more savory snacks, you can also check out our Tasty Pizza Snack Ideas for more options.